You also might include an on close event to close any hidden queries or to unhide them if you prefer. May as well use this event to save the current position/size too.

on *:close:%QuerWindow:{
  while $line(%QuerWindow,1,1) {
    close -m $v1 | ; Use this to close the queries
    ; window -w $v1 | ; Use this to unhide them 
    dline -l %QuerWindow 1
  writeini $+(",$mircini,") windows %QuerWindow $window($target).x $window($target).w $window($target).y $window($target).h
alias QuerWindow {
  set %QuerWindow $+(@Message,$chr(160),Queuer)
[color:blue]  if (!$window(%QuerWindow)) { window -odeSl11k0 %QuerWindow @Quer.MENU }[/color]
  return %QuerWindow