Nope, no joy mate, this is getting the better of me now, does that script work on your side?


its seems if i use /anti.on and / the script works 100%, but its when i use the check box through a dialog window i made, here is the code for the dialog window:

Taken from the Dialog: check "Anti-Idle", 2, 5 12 50 10

The "on" statement:

on *:dialog:Prot:sclick:2:{
if ($did(2).state == 0) { /disable #antiidle | echo -a 1,3 4,1V1,3TEC 4,1§1,3cript® 8,4 Anti-Idle OFF. 1,3 4,1V1,3TEC 4,1§1,3cript® }
elseif ($did(2).state == 1) { /enable #antiidle | echo -a 1,3 4,1V1,3TEC 4,1§1,3cript® 8,4 Anti-Idle ON. 1,3 4,1V1,3TEC 4,1§1,3cript® }

And the init:

on *:Dialog:Prot:init:0: {
if ($group(#antiidle) == on) { did -c $dname 2 }

Last edited by Skeletor; 28/02/05 12:26 PM.