Going straight from mIRC scripting to C++ is probably going to be too much. Learning C++ is quite simply an overwhelming experience if you don't already understand a lot of the concepts it utilises, which if you only know mIRC scripting, you almost certainly won't. I think you'd be far better off learning a higher level language first and working round to C++, possibly via C. Something like PHP or Python will introduce a lot of the concepts that you'll need to know before writing in C++, but in a way that doesn't feel like you've suddenly got to learn 100 things all at once just to do anything at all with the language. Not to mention that both PHP and Python have comprehensive help/references/tutorials available from their web-pages, whereas the scale of C++ and variety of C++ standards, pseudo-standards, and varying implementations of C++ compiler make it very difficult to find good documentation for a beginner that's directly relevant to your situation.

Spelling mistakes, grammatical errors, and stupid comments are intentional.