Right click in the channel, select Host Ban.
Click "Add" and enter in a Host such as the one you showed us earlier.

This is so your code wont look messy if you specify countless hosts.

Hope this helps.
menu channel {
  $iif($dialog(hb),$style(3)) Host Ban: { 
    dialog -dm hb hb

dialog hb { 
  title "Host Ban"  
  size -1 -1 160 115
  option dbu  
  list 3,3 3 154 100, autohs, sort
  button "Add", 4, 5 100 40 9 , 
  button "Del", 5, 60 100 40 9 , 
  button "Close", 6, 110 100 40 9, ok 

on *:dialog:hb:init:*: {   
  did -b hb 5
  if ($isfile(hb1.txt)) { 
    play -cs hb1.txt 0 

on *:dialog:hb:sclick:3: {  
  set %hb.sel $did(3,$did(3).sel)  
  did -e hb 5

on *:dialog:hb:sclick:4: {   
  set %hb.add $$?="Enter Word:"
  write hb1.txt did -a hb 3 %hb.add   
  write hb2.txt %hb.add 
  did -a hb 3 %hb.add 

on *:dialog:hb:sclick:5: {  
  write -dw $+ "* $+ %hb.sel $+ *" hb1.txt   
  write -dw $+ "* $+ %hb.sel $+ *" hb2.txt   
  did -d hb 3 $did(hb,3).sel  
  did -b hb 5

on @*:JOIN:#: {
  if ($read(hb2.txt,w,$+(*,$wildsite,*))) { 
    ban $chan $wildsite 
    ban $chan $nick 
    .timer 1 0 kick $chan $nick