Here's a really basic (and sloppy laugh) example of how you can make an image file with mIRC script.
alias makeimage {
  if !$chan(1) { return }
  window -hp @Image 1 1 300 200
  drawtext -p @image 12 25 5 Stats for $chan(1)

  drawtext @image 4 5 25 $chan(1) Users:
  drawtext @image 4 200 25 $nick($chan(1),0)
  drawtext @image 3 5 40 $chan(1) OPs:
  drawtext @image 3 200 40 $nick($chan(1),0,o)
  drawtext @image 2 5 55 $chan(1) Voices:
  drawtext @image 2 200 55 $nick($chan(1),0,v,o)
  drawtext @image 1 5 70 $chan(1) Regs:
  drawtext @image 1 200 70 $nick($chan(1),0,r)

  drawtext @image 12 5 120 Add more stuff as you wish
  drawtext @image 12 5 145 see /help picture windows.

  drawsave @Image Image.jpg
  close -@ @Image
  run Image.jpg