Hi filedump, I hope I understood sufficiently. You want to gline/kline/shun or other action when someone connects to a server but by matching their IP?

Make a file in your mIRC directory called ips.txt, this is where you keep all the IP's you want banned upon joining.

If the IP of the person that joins happens to be in ips.txt it will perform whatever you decide to put in where I have put commands here in blue.
On ^*:Snotice:*:  {
  if (client connecting isin $1-) {
    .enable #secure
    whois $9

#secure off
Raw 328:*: {
  if ($read(ips.txt,w,$+(*,$7,*))) { 
    [color:blue]commands here[/color]
  .disable #secure
#secure end

Hope this works, let me know if it does or doesn't. Good luck. smile