I came across a script on another forum - written by Quickstep. Essentially it notifies users if other loaded scripts are trying to attempt to connect to internet via socks, as well as if a script being loaded has the ability to connect to internet through socks.

It would be nice if MIRC already had this built-into it. (with the ability to disable, of course)

alias sockopen {
  var %address = $+($gettok($1-,-2,32),$chr(58),$gettok($1-,-1,32)), %action = $readini(firewall.ini,firewall,%address)
  var %permitmessage = echo 3 -s %address making contact with the internet!, %blockmessage = echo 4 -s %address blocked!
  %action = $iif(%action,%action,0)
  goto %action

  ;Action 0: Ask to open
  :0 | var %a = $?!="Allow %address to be opened?", %b = $?!="Always use this action for %address ?"
  if (%b) writeini firewall.ini firewall %address $iif(%a,1,2)
  if (%a) { %permitmessage | !sockopen $1- } | else %blockmessage

  ;Action 1: Permit
  :1 | %permitmessage | !sockopen $1- | return

  ;Action 2: Block
  :2 | %blockmessage | halt

This script can be upgraded in many many ways (it can still be avoided). Well heres already a small upgrade. It isnt really necessarry but what it does is when you load a script file it does an easy search for sockopen commands and if it finds 1 asks if you want to load the file anyway:

alias load {
  if ($1 = -rs) && ($isfile($2)) {
    if ($read($2, wn, *sockopen*)) {
      var %popupmsg = This script *possibly* contains a sockopen command on line $+($readn,: $read($2,n,$readn),$crlf,This $&
        means the script has the ability to open an internet connection. Load script $2 anyway?)
      if (!$?!=" $+ %popupmsg $+ ") { echo -s 4Script $2 was not loaded! | halt }
  !load $1-