 Raw 332:*:{ 
  var %i = 1
  while ($strip($wrap($3-,ProFontWindows, 6,580, 0, %i))) {
    echo $2 11,15 $+ $str($chr(160),2) $+ topic $+  $+ $str($chr(160),23) 09|10  [ $ifmatch ]
    inc %i

Raw 333:*:{  echo $2 11,15 $+ $str($chr(160),2) $+ topic $+  $+ $str($chr(160),23) 09|10 set by 09 $+ $3 10on the $asctime($4,mm $+ 09 $+ / $+ 10 $+ dd $+ 09 $+ / $+ 10 $+ yy 09@10 hh $+ 09 $+ : $+ 10 $+ nn $+ 09 $+ 01t)) | halt } 

i use wrap alot now, so i got help with that bit, the rest i'm sure could be filtered out.