I have already messaged you, for the second time, please stop cross posting it is totally unnecessary. Just post, and wait smile

Our ability to help with another client would be limited, however, there is of course language on IRC that is used throughout all IRC clients. If you have further questions about another IRC client though I would recommend going to their website and posting on their forums or emailing them.

Network name: This would be the name of the IRC network. For example, DALnet, Quakenet, Undernet, GameSurge or whatever.

Server name: This would be the name of an individual server. Servers connected together make up an IRC network. For example, you might have 'arcor.de.eu.dal.net' or 'london.uk.eu.undernet.org' or 'demon.uk.quakenet.org' and so forth. Often the IRC network will have a server list, here's an example.

