For a long while, I've used the PnP script, 4.22, in mIRC, but recently I began wondering about possible replacements... before finding PnP in 2003 or so, I tried many other scripts, and didn't like a single one (at least not as much as I did PnP).

But since PnP is not updated, I thought perhaps I should change it to something else. There are inevitably some bugs due to the lack of updates (I've experienced one; sometimes PnP's config.ini will get corrupted for some reasons when there are too many favorite servers/networks, and all favorites will become unusable - don't know why, but it happened a number of times to me, so I keep backups of the file)

But, if I'm to change PnP, then what to use as the replacement? What worthy recommendations are there? Particularly from those who used (and are used to) PnP? (By the way, I mean a real script - something that you load in mIRC, like PnP - *not* one of those weird things that are distributed as standalone executables "independent" of mIRC - "mirc_upp.exe" and so on... I don't want those oddities...)

The second question (and the second potential reason why I consider replacing PnP with something else) - for probably about a year I've had very big lags and delays on joining channels with many users (say, over 500 users at the same time)... the more users, the bigger the lag. I suspect it's because PnP always attempts to colorize the nick list in the channel, but is it? After all, if I recall correctly, mIRC colorizes the nicklist too, and when I tried the big channels in "pure" mIRC on another system, they were quick, with no real delays. Is this colorizing the reason for these painful delays, then, or could it be something else?