ah hmm, i see this, ok this is the problem i have

on 1:connect:{ 
  .timerchk 0 10 idlecheck
  if ($hget(away,reason)  != $null) { saway away, $hget(away,reason) [Msglog $hget(away,log) $+ ] |  .timeraway -c 1800  _away
alias _away {
  if ($1) { scon -a amsg i've died!! " $+ $hget(away,reason) $+ " [Msglog/ $+ $hget(away,log) $+ ] }
  else { scon -a amsg i'm still dead!! " $+ $hget(away,reason) $+ " $dur($calc(($ticks - $hget(away,ticks)) / 1000)) }
alias saway { scon -a away $1- |   hsave -i away scripts/hash.ini away }

;;your code
alias idlecheck {
  scon -at1 if ($idle < 1800) { return }
  scon -at1 away $hget(away,reason) [Msglog $hget(away,log) $+ ] $(|,) amsg I am away $ $+ awaymsg

I need to make it, show on the 30 minutes idle
i've died!! "idle for 30 minutes" [Msglog/on]

and have that echo every 30 minutes, until i come back obviously