Sure is smile I personally use the following:

on me:*:join:#idlerpg:{
.msg idlerpg login username password

If you join multiple networks, and only want this to be activated when you join #idlerpg on one specific network, use this:

on me:*:join:#idlerpg:{
if ($network == Network) {
.msg idlerpg login username password

(Assuming #idlerpg is the name of the channel, otherwise replace it with something else). Replace 'Network' with the network name (e.g. DALnet, EFnet, Undernet, etc.), and replace 'username' and 'password' with your username and pass smile

This code would go in your Remote section of the Script Editor, press ALT+R to access it. If you see a file with code already in it when you open that dialog, make sure you start a new file, with File > New.

For further information, see /help ON JOIN.

