lol i'm on the same thing as him, this is what i have, now the channel echos correctly, i just want to show my nick if it's a direct ctcp to me

alias _ctcp {  
return 04,15 $+ $str($chr(160),3) $+ ctcp $+  $+ $str($chr(160),2) $xnickflood($upper($3)) 09:10 to $iif($chan,$+([,#,])) 10from 14[04 $+ $nick $+ 14/6 $+ $replace($address,@,04@06,.,04.06,-,04-06) $+ 14]

the channel ones comes out like..
    ctcp   PING : to [#root] from [arkt1k/~arkt1k@vqhyvwrmpurg] 

if a ctcp is sent to me it should replace the channel name to my nick but it doesn't