if i was you and if i have my computer online 24/7 with mirc running and of course we dont glue to mirc 24/7... to find a way through this problem ... i would do the following...
lets say your nick stays in #channel #channel2 and #channel3
and assume the delay for your nick ( if not registered and i dont know if the network supports ghosting) be 4 minutes...

1. type /alias /t1 /timer 0 240 /join #channel1,#channel2,#channel3
2. Alt+O >IRC > uncheck Rejoin Channels on Connect
3. Alt+O >IRC > uncheck Keep Channels Open
4. Alt+O >Options >Connect >Perform type /t1

so the next time your connection fails your channel windows will close, mirc will reconnect with the server and once connected wait for 240 seconds/4 minutes ( you can change this) and then join your channels
if you have any idea about the nick ghost/kill command on the network you join you can also add that in the on connect perform section..

i hope this trick works..

walk in light!