It would probably be a good idea to name the RE s if you want to do it that way.
User Modes
.$iif($regex([color:blue]umode[/color],$usermode,/(i)/),$style(1)) Invisible « i »:mode $me $iif($regml([color:blue]umode[/color],1),-i,+i) 

If there is any more regex calls later in the same popup they may slew the results.
e.g. The second re here should always be false, and will make the mode command always try to set +i
  • .$iif($regex($usermode,/(i)/),$style(1)) Invisible « i »:mode $me $iif($regml(1),-i,+i)
    .$iif($regex($me,/\n/),a stuffup occurred):!