Here is my fully working Auto Away script without timers and aliases. I hope that others find it useful.

on 1:PING: {

scon -a echo CID: $!cid
scon -a echo Network: $!network
scon -a echo Nick: $!me
scon -a echo Usermodes: $!usermode
scon -a echo Idle Time: $!idle
scon -a echo Away: $!away

scon -a if (( $!away == $false ) && ( $!idle > 600 )) { nick $!me $!+ {Auto-Away} }
scon -a if (( $!away == $false ) && ( $!idle > 600 )) { away 2,2-8,2Auto-Away After $!idle Seconds2,2- }

scon -a if (( $!away == $true ) && ( $!idle < 600 )) { away }
scon -a if (( $!away == $true ) && ( $!idle < 600 )) { nick $!remove( $!me , {Auto-Away} ) }

scon -a echo -


The reason I have 2 if's for away and 2 if's for back from away is because I found that on a dialup connection, lag is a factor and that putting it all on one line (using 1 if line for each) that my nick would change but I wouldn't go /away. The above script seems to have fixed that error.

I have been trying to find a way to keep the /away and the back from away to 1 line each but I haven't figured out a way to make sure that each section of the line is performed properly before continuing without more code. It just seemed simpler the way that I have posted it.

You don't need the first 6 scon -a lines. I just used them to see if my script was processing everything correctly and for future additions to the script later.

Thanks to all that have helped.


Knowledge = Power