on 1:text:*view*:?: {
 if ($nick isvoice #test) {

  echo -st XXXX CHECKPOINT1 XXXX msg with *view* in it and user $nick is voiced in #test | halt 
  if ($1 == %qc $+ view) { 
    if ($lines(txt\mbmessages.txt) == 0) { .msg $nick 5There are currently no entries to view. | closemsg $nick | halt }
    else { .play $nick txt\mbmessages.txt 1500 | closemsg $nick | halt }
  else { halt }
 else { halt }

Replace with this, i cant get it to occur unless the user is voiced, at least this well confirm if its this code or something else tripping, note the HALT you can remove that or leave it in, I had it as the rest of the code needed the %qc and the text file.