Just something I whipped up, nothing special. It stores your /msg 's and /describe's in 2 seperate boxes. It is untested so come back if it doesn't help as planned.

/rand a is to message the target window with a random item from the hash table

/rand b is to send a describe to the target window with a random item from the hash table.

Hope it's this helps. smile

menu channel {
  $iif($dialog(rand),$style(7)) Msg/Describe: { dialog -dm rand rand }

On *:Text:*match text*:#: {
    rand $r(a,b)

on 1:Start: {  
  hmake message 1000 
  hmake describe 1000
  if ($isfile(msg.hsh)) {   
    hload -o message msg.hsh 
  if ($isfile(desc.hsh)) {   
    hload -o describe desc.hsh 

dialog rand {
  title "Random Msg / Describe"
  size -1 -1 154 163
  option dbu
  combo 1, 4 14 70 98, size
  combo 2, 77 14 70 98, size
  text "                   /msg                                      /describe", 3, 3 3 149 8
  button "Add", 4, 16 113 22 12
  button "Del", 5, 39 113 22 12
  button "Del", 6, 113 113 22 12
  button "Add", 7, 90 113 22 12
  button "Close", 8, 61 142 37 12

alias getmsg {
  if (($hget(message) && $hget(message,0).item) > 0) { 
    var %msg = $hget(message,0).item
    while (%msg) {
      if ($dialog(rand)) {
        did -a rand 1 $hget(message,%msg).data
        dec %msg
  elseif (($hget(message) && !$hget(message,0).item)) {  return }

alias getdesc {
  if (($hget(describe) && $hget(describe,0).item) > 0) { 
    var %desc = $hget(describe,0).item
    while (%desc) {
      if ($dialog(rand)) {
        did -a rand 2 $hget(describe,%desc).data
        dec %desc
  elseif (($hget(describe) && !$hget(describe,0).item)) {  return }

on 1:dialog:rand:init:0: {
  did -b rand 5
  did -b rand 6

on 1:dialog:rand:close:0: {
  hsave -o message msg.hsh
  hsave -o describe desc.hsh

on 1:dialog:rand:sclick:1: {
  if ($did(rand,1).sel) { 
    did -e rand 5

on 1:dialog:rand:sclick:2: {
  if ($did(rand,2).sel) { 
    did -e rand 7

on 1:dialog:rand:sclick:4: {
  if ($hget(message)) {
    if ($did($dname,1).text) {
      did -a rand 1 $did($dname,1).text
      hadd message $didwm(rand, 1,$did(rand,1).text) $did($dname,1).text

on 1:dialog:rand:sclick:5: {
  if ($did($dname,1).sel) {
    if ($hget(message)) {
      hdel message $didwm(rand, 1,$did(rand,1).seltext)
      did -d rand 1 $didwm(rand, 1,$did(rand,1).seltext)
      did -b rand 5 

on 1:dialog:rand:sclick:6: {
  if ($did($dname,2).sel) {
    if ($hget(describe)) {
      hdel describe $didwm(rand, 2,$did(rand,2).seltext)
      did -d rand 2 $didwm(rand, 2,$did(rand,2).seltext)
      did -b rand 6

on 1:dialog:rand:sclick:7: {
  if ($hget(describe)) {
    if ($did($dname,2).text) {
      did -a rand 2 $did($dname,2).text
      hadd describe $didwm(rand, 2,$did(rand,2).text) $did($dname,2).text

on 1:dialog:rand:close:0: {
  hsave -o describe desc.hsh
  hsave -o message msg.hsh

alias rand {
  if ($1 == a) { msg $target $hget(message,$r($hget(message,0).item,1)) }
  if ($1 == b) { describe $target $hget(describe,$r($hget(describe,0).item,1)) }

Last edited by SladeKraven; 21/01/05 10:03 PM.