i can follow it fine with the exception of $greet
i also dont know why you have == $true with the $isfile
probably because ive never run accorss the whole identifier alias thing

SladeKarvens correct i didnt need to check against $true, its just a habbit from from ofther languages where they dont have true false identifiers, its just something or null, so when it said replies with $true or $false i thought id check it was $true

an alias that works as an identifier is simple an alias that returns a value and the alias usied as $aliasname is replaced with that value, just like //echo hello $me is going to say Hello DaveC
alias BOB { return BILL }
//echo hello $BOB
hello BILL

alias -l greet {
  ; check if hashtable GREET exists
  if (!$hget(greet)) {
    ; table doesnt exist so create table GREET
    hmake -s greet 100
    ; check if file exists to laod table from
    if ($isfile(greet.hsh)) {
      ; file exists so load table from file
      hload -s greet greet.hsh
  ; return the value "greet" as that is the hash tablename (also HAPPENS to be the alias name were in)
  return greet