ok the alias, but first...

on *:text:!help !pass:*:{ if (%s != on) { sendhelp $nick 21 21 | set -su20 %s on } }
When someone says "!help !pass" u want to msg them line 21 of the file IF %s is not "on", so i check %s not = to "on" and if so, then i call my alias passing it who to send to in $1, starting line to send in $2, ending line in $3, aka "$nick 21 21", then i set %s to "on" with the auto unset option in 20 seconds.
So now u know what the event does, but more specificly what my alias is ment to do.

alias -l sendhelp { 
  var %i = $2
  while (%i <= $3) {
    msg $1 $read(help.txt,n,%i)
    inc %i

The -l stops something else calling sendhelp besides your events, liekly not needed but who knows.
ok I set %i to the starting line to send
i then start a while loop that keeps going whilel %i is less or = to the ending line, in that loop, i send $1 (the $nick) said %i line from the file, then add one to %i, it then repeats untill %i is greater than the ending line (which happens to be the starting line also in !pass)

The second option i gave you, you must reformat the help.txt file, its still text, but u need section headers in [ ], then u can use the /play command to just play (msg) all the lines in that section to the $nick
the file might look like this...
this is my help on my bot there are a buch of commands it can do.
you can get help on each of them by doing
!help !qme
!help !say
!help !die
The !qme command well it doesnt work on tuesdays
Unless your blonde and good looking and interested in me.
The !die command makes you drop dead right there at your pc.
The !say command well it doesnt say much right now
The command makes bob the dragon appear, ps hes magic

doing a " /play -t!qme $nick help.txt 0 " well play (msg) $nick the following 2 lines.....
The !qme command well it doesnt work on tuesdays
Unless your blonde and good looking and interested in me.

becuase they were under the heading !qme the bit follwoing the -t

For more help on /play, just type /HELP /PLAY in mirc.