An option to expand and condence blocks of code at a click of a button, like tree view thingy to change
/beer {
var %a = 99
while (%a > 0) {
echo -a %a $+(bottle,$iif(%a != 1,s)) of beer on the wall,
echo -a %a $+(bottle,$iif(%a != 1,s)) of beer...
echo -a Take $iif(%a != 1,one,it) down, pass it around,
dec %a
echo -a $iif(%a == 0,No More,%a) $+(bottle,$iif(%a != 1,s)) of beer on the wall.

/beer { var %a = 99 | while (%a > 0) { echo -a %a $+(bottle,$iif(%a != 1,s)) of beer on the wall, | echo -a %a $+(bottle,$iif(%a != 1,s)) of beer... | echo -a Take $iif(%a != 1,one,it) down, pass it around, | dec %a | echo -a $iif(%a == 0,No More,%a) $+(bottle,$iif(%a != 1,s)) of beer on the wall. | linesep } }