Hi Im trying to do a kick system basically you can add a nick and a word when that nick says that word he will gonna get kicked from the channel!
I almost got it I think but now even when the nick doesn't say the word is kicking him here is the code I have at moment:
alias kicklist { dialog -m kick kick }
dialog kick {
  title "Kick"
  size -1 -1 160 260
  option pixels
  icon $mircdir\system\skull9.ico, 0
  button "ok", 1, 100 240 60 20, OK
  combo 10, 10 40 140 110, vsbar
  box "Nicks", 3, 1 5 157 142
  box "Word", 4, 1 170 157 66
  edit "", 15, 10 195 140 20, autohs
  button "add", 6, 5 151 50 17
  button "del", 7, 55 151 50 17
  button "clear", 8, 105 151 50 17
  button "help", 9, 10 240 60 20
  text "*click add to begin*", 11, 29 20 130 20

on *:dialog:kick:init:0:{ .timer -m 1 2 linecombo }
on *:dialog:kick:sclick:*:{
  if ($did == 9) { dialog -m kickhelp kickhelp }
  if ($did == 7) { .timer -m 1 2 delkicknick }
  if ($did == 10) {  set %temp $readini system\kicknicks.ini kick $read -l $+ $did(kick,10).sel system\kick.ini | set %temp2 $read -l $+ $did(kick,10).sel system\kick.ini  | did -r kick 15 | if (%temp = $null) goto end | did -a kick 15 %temp | :end }
  if ($did == 6) {  .timer -m 1 20 kickaddnick }
  if ($did == 8) { /write -c system\kicknicks.ini | /write -c system\kick.ini | unset %temp | unset %kickcmsg | /did -r kick 10 $did(10).text }
dialog kickhelp {
  size -1 -1 300 135
  title "Kick Help"
  button "Close",1, 225 115 65 20, CANCEL
  box "Kick Help",2, 5 5 285 105
  text "Simply click the add button and you will be prompted for a Nickname.  (Nicknames can't have spaces)  After the name is added, click the name in the list and type in a word in the edit box at the bottom.  Hitting clear will remove all of the Magic Kicks nicks and their messages.",3, 20 25 250 79
on *:dialog:kick:edit:*:{ set %temp $did(kick,15).text | if (%temp = $null) goto end | writeini system\kicknicks.ini kick $did(kick,10) $did(kick,15) | :end }
alias delkicknick { set %temp $did(kick,10).sel | if (%temp = $null) goto end | set %temp $?!"Are you sure?" | if (%temp = $false) goto end | write -dl $+ $did(kick,10).sel system\kick.ini | remini system\kicknicks.ini kick $did(kick,10) | did -r kick 10,15 | linecombo | :end }
alias kickaddnick { set %temp $?="Nickname" | if (%temp = $null) goto end | write system\kick.ini %temp | did -a kick 10 %temp | :end }
alias linecombo { if ($exists(system\kick.ini) = $false) write -c system\kick.ini | set %loop 0 | :start | inc %loop 1 | set %temp $read -l $+ %loop system\kick.ini | if (%temp = $null) goto end | did -a kick 10 %temp | goto start | :end | unset %loop }

on @*:TEXT:*:#:{ 
  if ($readini system\kicknicks.ini kick $nick == $null) { goto end } 
  kick $chan $nick  Arent you proud.... you're in the  Kick list!

how I can make it read the list and only kick if the nick said that word? Thanks in advance for the help!