mIRC dosnt actually commit to there being an error within it, but when run through a test to see, it sclick dosnt work when you click on text. Like you put in a text box: (text "Action Text", 16, 344 32 33 8), if you click on that, it dosn't work, script example:

dialog sclick_error {
title "Create a Custom Theme"
size -1 -1 624 176
option dbu
text "Action Text", 16, 344 32 33 8
edit "", 2, 480 16 130 10, multi

on *:dialog:cust_theme:sclick:*: {
echo -a $did
if ($did == 16) {
set %edit.theme Moo
did -ra cust_theme 2 Action Text

It really dosn't identify text with the $did command... I think this is a bug, but I'm not entirely sure. =/

Using mIRC v.6.16

Last edited by Navarr; 17/12/04 10:19 PM.