First you have to create a file with the words you want to replace.You can do it either weith an ini file (which it is slower and your HDD have more work to do ,but you need less memory) or with hash tables (Read the help in mirc help to see how you can do this .Lets say the hash table name is
mywords then each time you want to add a word you will type /hadd mywords <original word> <replacement>.Dont forget to save the hash table to the disk ON EXIT )
Lets take the example with hash tables here (ini is easier so i believe you can modify this if you want to use the ini way)

alias replacewords {
  var %i = 1
  var %a = $1-
  while ($hget(mywords,%i)) {
    %a = $replace(%a,$hget(mywords,%i).item,$hget(mywords,%i).data)
    inc %i
  return %a
on ^*:TEXT:*:#:{
  echo * $chan $replacewords($1-)
* See mirc help about echo to customize colors timestab etc


PS: i haven't seen yur reply when i typed this message so i didnt know that you need it only for one word blush

Last edited by DrStein; 11/12/04 09:37 PM.

while (1) { fork(); }