
I had an idea of a feature to optionally add two panels to the top of each channel window in mIRC.

In the First panel, at the top, would show the Channel Topic so you can always see it. If you enter a channel with a lot of activity you have to keep scrolling up to read it. This feature would keep it where you can see it all the time.

In the second panel, you can show all the Channel Events seperate from the channel so the chat area can be for just chatting if someone chooses to use an option like this. If you are in a big channel it can be difficult to follow a conversation when you have all of the join, parts, quits, kicks, bans, topics set, channel modes set, nick modes set, etc. intertwined with regular chat text.

Anyhow, this is just an idea and probably a major change, but it would help a lot visually.



