What is the error message you receive when you try to connect? Make sure you use the Search feature - Expand to Newer Than 5 Years and make sure 'All Forums' is selected in the box.

You may also want to scan your computer for viruses, and use the #NoHack script, and other resources, found in this thread. Also, press ALT+R and unload all your scripts - File > Unload. You may consider reinstalling mIRC.

Please remember, never:
- Type anything someone tells you to type on IRC
- Click any URLs (website addresses), even if they offer you free movies/porn/whatever
- Download any files someone tries to send you on IRC, particularly if they try to send you the file when you join a channel.

You may want to read this.


Last edited by Mentality; 30/11/04 06:56 AM.
