I know this has been brought up before, but nobody has mentioned the relatively easy to implement SAX parser.

Most of the objections to XML implementation I have read on the board are due to the complexity of data access, and I agree. The type of parser previously discussed was a DOM, or Document Object Model. As one might guess, a DOM parser is extremely difficult to implement in a language that is not object oriented (mIRC) because each node is treated as an object, as are children of that node, and children of those nodes, ect.

With a SAX parser, the file is parsed from tag to tag, firing events for opening and closing tags, attributes, data, ect. This is extremely easy to implement (relatively speaking). A SAX parser would need to move through the file from <tag> to <tag>, and anything between the tags is treated as data (whitespace characters mostly ignored). It is up to the scripter/programmer to handle the data as it is sent through the events. Here is an example of how such a parser would work:

&lt;item id="1"&gt;
	&lt;description&gt;A warm hat.&lt;/description&gt;

When this XML is parsed the parser would fire these events:

tagopen: item
attribute: id; 1
tagopen: item\name
data: Hat 
tagclose: item\name
tagopen: item\price
data: $5
tagclose: item\price
tagopen: item\description
data: A warm hat.
tagclose: item\description
tagclose: item

Such a parser in mIRC would not be a "total" solution (it would be difficult to modify attributes or data), but it would provide an easy way to parse all sorts of data, like RSS feeds, XHTML compliant websites, Microsoft documents (the newer formats written in XML) and so on.

I have implemented a SAX parser in mIRC scripting and it is extremely handy, however it has some quirks that cannot be overcome, like speed (2200 lines in ~10 seconds, the output being formatted and /echo'ed into the status window), data length (although my parser sends it in data events, chunked into 800 byte strings) and a strange bug involving &binvars and /signal -n.

I will be happy to provide my source code (either in mIRC scripting or pseudocode) to ease the implementation of the parser, if anyone is interested.