hey hammer ive noticed that when i set this updater up as uve got it described here it actually doesnt read the file??? its giving me a header tag of a file .... heres how i set mine up and i testing to echo $1- and this this what ive got

on *:START: sockopen VersionCheck.D3m0nicChaos www.mysite.com 80
on *:SOCKOPEN:VersionCheck.D3m0nicChaos: sockwrite -n $sockname GET /httpdocs/downloads/D3m0nicChaos.txt
on *:SOCKREAD:VersionCheck.D3m0nicChaos:{
var %version.update
sockread %version.update
tokenize 32 %version.update
if ($1 > %Version.D3m0nicChaos) {
echo 13 -ati2 **** A 4NEWER version exists. Download it at8 $2 ****
echo 13 -ati2 **** If you do not download from $2 4NOW you will no longer have a current script ****
sockclose $sockname
now changing one of the lines to echo 13 -ati2 * $1-

produces this result .....

[18:25:58] * <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN">

i know the file is there i just cant figure out why it isnt getting the lines from it ...... ive copied ur example here almost exactly but with no luck ..... im way new to messing or even attempting sockets so i would appreciate some pointers
