Actually, like I just said, a simple DLL of C# used as a COM Objec into mIRC is not stable. I don't know why exactly this happening, but when I hav too much comcall, it simply randomly crash. I would understand if my dll would be coded wrong but it actually work fine for 25% of the time (when mIRC dosnt crash) and had been tested over a benchmark test app.

Anyway, I feel like repeating here, but just to be sure that I might get what I'm asking / looking for instead of others informations.

There is a way to build a DLL in C++ so you don't need to use comobject, only $dll and those. the mIRC help file give C++ method example of struct and stuff, but did anyone make a C# version of this ? Could he parse this here on a little class template including the Load, Unload and others dll stuff in it, and with a brief explaination.

Im pretty sure that is the com object that crash on me, so testing this would give me a good hint on what to do next.

Thank in advance

Last edited by arbours; 13/11/04 05:53 PM.