Is your script attempting to send any message at all? Your matchtext for your notice is very specific and will only trigger if you get ANY notice from ANYBODY that says "NickServ IDENTIFY". If that is not the exact line that nickserv sends you then it will not trigger. Unfortunately there does not seem to be a 'standard' you-need-to-identify notice. They can be different on each network. You need to take a look at the notice and make your match text match.
You might want to add a few more lines to the notice events. Try something like:
on *:notice:*nickserv*identify*:?: {
  ; make sure its sent by nickserv, you might want to use an fulladdress check instead: if ($fulladdress == Nickserv!
  if ($nick === NickServ) {
    var %mypass = $gettok(%plus2,$findtok(%plus1,$me,1,46),46)
    ; only send nickserv the identify if a password is found (maybe you are using a reg'd nick but its not yours so you wont have a pass)
    if (%mypass != $null) { 
      ; Echo a line and send the msg without displaying it by using .msg (so your pass isnt on the screen)
      echo $color(info) -esti * Identifying for NickServ *
      .msg nickserv identify %mypass