Hi there, I need a little help:

I've got a script that play silly sounds on request (to joke with friends) that overrides the mirc ctcp sound request options.

I need a script that recognize when a file requested to play doesn't exist and asks it to who have requested it. I can't use a thing like " on 1:NOSOUND:/msg $nick ! $+ $nick $filename " because, as said before, my script doesn't use the mirc's Ctcp request options.

I tried with " if $exists($2) = $true { <blablablabla> }
<blablablabla> "

but it doesn't work. How can I do?

Here's the whole script (if it can help).

ctcp *:SOUNDZ:*:{
if %requestsuoni == 1 {
if # { echo # $timestamp $nick $+ 11@ $+ # $+ : «11 $deltok($2,-1,46) » }
else { echo $iif($query($nick),$nick,-a) $timestamp $nick $+ : «11 $deltok($2,-1,46) » }
splay $2 | halt }
else { echo $iif(#,$v1,$iif($query($nick),$v1,-a)) $timestamp $nick buffoneggia (11 $+ $deltok($2,-1,46) $+ ) /son o no? | halt }

thank you very much