on the sockread event in my script the line
with the info is too long to use sockread %var
so i got told to use &binvars
i read somethings that i found when searching through
the forum and i found out
how to set them and stuff
but i tried to use $bvar().text
but the line was too long to check frown
heres the script event i tried next:

on *:sockread:name: {
if ($sockerr) {
echo -a Error
else {
sockread &bvar
if (<html>*<html> iswm &bvar) {
echo -a $nohtml(&bvar)

when i used /var
it echoed the no html but had all the info mssing from
the end.
when i used it like this it didnt even
return true.

anyone know how i can do this
and is $sockbr important for this?

please help

thanks alot