Well, ignoring unncessary { }, you could shorten the On/Off popup:

.On:{ set %aslap 1 | echo -a Auto Slap Is On }
.Off:{ unset %aslap | echo -a Auto Slap Is Off }

You don't need the if statement, because if you set it 'On' then %aslap will have the value of '1', and if you set it off, %aslap no longer exists.

You can also shorten the on action event:

on *:action:slaps *:#:{
if (%aslap = 1) {
describe # slaps $nick around a bit with a large trout

You don't need to tell the script to halt, it will only trigger if %aslap is '1' anyway. So if it isn't 1, it won't do anything.

