on *:START:{  
  if (!%iscsjoin || !%iscspart || %iscsquit) {
    set %iscsjoin 0
    set %iscspart 0
    set %iscsquit 0
    echo -a Beginning ISCS stack tracking...
  else {
    echo -a Continuing ISCS stat tracking...
  echo -a Began ISCS Ignore
on ^*:JOIN:#fusion:if ($nick == *]-Server) beep 0 | haltdef | inc %iscsjoin
on ^*:PART:#fusion:if ($nick == *]-Server) beep 0 | haltdef | inc %iscspart
on ^*:QUIT:if ($nick == *]-Server) beep 0 | haltdef | inc %iscsquit
alias iscsstats { echo -a ISCS Ignore Statistics | echo -a Joins: %iscsjoin | echo -a Parts: %iscspart | echo -a Quits: %iscsquit | echo -a ISCS Ignore }

all nick with " ]-Server " ther joins/parts/quits will be rerout to the status window... just there joins/parts/quits other nicks without that extention will be viewed at the channel window...