/savebuf itself does not have that option. What you could do is the following:

[color:green]; create a new alias to use instead of savebuf[/color]
[color:green]; to use, type /savewin @windowname filename[/color]
alias savewin {
  [color:green]; error checking[/color]
  if ($!3) { echo -a 4 savewin error: incorrect parameter count | halt }
  if ($left($1,1) != $chr(64)) { echo -a 4 savewin error: parameter 1 should be a windowname | halt }
  [color:green]; create a new window[/color]
  window @savewintemp
  [color:green]; send every line from the specified window to the new window, stripping all codes[/color]
  var %i = 1
  while (%1 <= $line($1,1)) { aline @savewintemp $strip($line($1,%i)) | inc %i }
  [color:green]; savebuf the stripped version[/color]
  savebuf @savewintemp $2
  [color:green]; clean up mess[/color]
  close -@ @savewintemp

NOTE: /savebuf will overwrite any existing file. If you wish to append, you need to use /filter instead. In that case, /filter is easier anyway, since it has the option to strip codes without this messy code, and also has the option to strip colors but not bold, etc.

DALnet #Helpdesk
I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand. -Confucius