lil code to help clarify
box "Alert Words", 11, 126 0 74 74
  edit "", 12, 130 9 46 10, autohs
  button "Add", 13, 130 21 18 10
  button "Remove", 14, 150 21 26 10
  list 15, 130 33 46  [color:red] 42 [/color] 

and anything between
  box "Alert Words", 11, 126 0 74 74
  edit "", 12, 130 9 46 10, autohs
  button "Add", 13, 130 21 18 10
  button "Remove", 14, 150 21 26 10
  list 15, 130 33 46   [color:red] 49 [/color]  

while (demi == nub) {
inc %skill