For years I've been a user of mIRC and one of the features I have always long for is a built-in spellchecker.

Through the years I've seen many scripts claiming to do such job but they all fail. I've also seen many threads with discussions about this matter and the one thing that ends all conversations is the Dictionaries. Well, why can't mIRC just come with a built-in spellchecker [spellcheck support] and we the end-user install Aspell or the dictionaries found at What is the problem with this particular scenario?

A good example of a program that comes with spellchecker support but without the dictionaries is Pidgin [ ] If the end-user really cares for the spellchecker then it has to download and install the dictionaries either from or Aspell.

It isn't that people wont notice the red underline, it isn't that people in chats don't care; the fact is that throughout the years hundreds of people have requested and shown interest for this feature.

Please mIRC, please.