Told ya I'd be back :P

I'm not real sure what to do here, it's..well, I dunno, try it for yourself. First bug with it, though, is it not recognizing the parameters and chosing the world/list you specify.

alias tib.s {
  sockclose Tibia.s
  sockopen Tibia.s 80
  if ($1-) {
    .sockmark Tibia.s $+(/statistics/?subtopic=highscores&world=,$1,&list=,$2)
on *:sockopen:Tibia.s:{
  if ($sockerr) {
    echo $color(info) -s *** Socket Error (on open) \ $sockname - $sock($sockname).ip
  sockwrite -n $sockname GET $sock($sockname).mark HTTP/1.1
  sockwrite -n $sockname Accept: */*
  sockwrite -n $sockname Host:
  sockwrite -n $sockname $crlf
on *:sockread:Tibia.s:{
  var %tmp
  sockread -fn %tmp
  echo -s $removehtml($iif(%tmp == $null,-,%tmp))

Any ideas?

I'm really only trying to get it to show..the name of the person you use it with as I'm supposed to do this I have no idea, but.. /tib.s world list name

goes on to list all the people on that page..bolds the name you used if it's in that list..bah. I dunno, I don't like sockets or the http protocols :P

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