Dear Khaled,

mIRC keeps track of a user's idle time accessible via IAL and channel idle times via Nicklist. This idle resets for all events; messages, joins, modes, etc.

Most IRC clients have nickname Tab-complete based on a user's last-message idle time. Some IRC clients have Nicklists ordered by users' last-message idle time.

I wish to propose mIRC track a user's IAL and Nicklist last-message idle time. Example: $ial().msgidle and $nick(#,).msgidle and $chan().msgidle

These Msg-Idle properties can be used to improve Tab-complete behavior, and provide a basis for Nicklist sorting based on chat activity.

This new property will also provide a means to quickly identify (and sort) active channels based on most recent conversation, not just most recent join/part/kick/mode event.

(If a user never spoke, return $null)

Well. At least I won lunch.
Good philosophy, see good in bad, I like!