This script is for a game
If I can do this script, I can figure loads of stuff out
I dunno how crazy or hard this will be, or if you need a program to do it, but i want someone to type this: (ill use my name as an example)
!attack bearruler

If bearruler is under a cetain guy (LordStriker), it tells them they may not attack them
Otherwsie it returns their stats ID page (thats the page you can view them on

it goes here:
Types in bearruler down at the bottom, then goes to his page
Then it keeps clicking commanders, until the final person has none
If the person with no commanders name is
LordStriker, it notices them "$2 is in our command chain"
If the supreme commander is not LordStriker, it gives them the page of the guy they typed in ($2), and tells them they may attack that person

bearrulers commander is LordStriker, but other have a commander, whos commander is LordStriker

Do you need more clarification for this, or do you understand what Im asking

If you need more help, my stats ID page is
That may help alot

Thanx for your time reading this!