I don't even know what the bug is that you and drum figured out. I just use the default editbox. My feature request was to prevent accidental saying of pasted text because if it contains a linechange at the end, mIRC's default action to that line is /say.

EDIT: And I don't consider this to be a bug, because it's more like a feature that should be tweaked. The only "bug" here is that mIRC doesn't show the linechange to the user even if they demand it (eg. by setting the paste limit to 1). However, it's been like this since the very first versions of mIRC, so it's more like a feature at this point.
EDIT2: Looking closer at YOUR post, you didn't even read what the feature request and problem was and you just made up your own bug and then complain that I didn't create a thread about the bug YOU found out in the bugs section. You didn't even test out what I wrote in the very first message or you didn't understand it at all. It's not about confirmation on pasting multiple lines, it's about confirmation on pasting lines that contain a linechange at the end (hex: 0D 0A) because mIRC will always /say a line that has that at the end.

Last edited by krypto; 01/09/12 06:39 AM.