A few notes:

1. Please don't suggest that users run in 32 bit compat mode. Khaled needs to know if there are bugs w/64bit compatibility, therefore users should report their environments. There should NOT be any 64bit issues in mIRC. If so, they need to be fixed immediately. The fact that mIRC is a 32bit app does not mean it does not support 64bit environments. AFAIK Khaled does support 64bit environments, and pretty much every OS install is 64bit these days, so it would be silly of him not to. Compiling a 64bit app is a whole different story, though-- a 32bit exe file does not mean it is not 64bit compatible.

2. Ditto for wine. Users should report their original environments. You kind of answered (& contradicted) this one yourself: "occasionally he will modify the source to fix bugs for wine"; therefore, Khaled does support WINE. Users should not be discouraged from reporting potential major compat issues with wine. Khaled *might* need to fix them. In some cases, they are not necessarily wine issues, but the only way we can know is if the users report these issues. I would suggest rewording that paragraph to still explicitly encourage wine users to post bugs-- just realize that their bugs may in fact be wine bugs (I think this is what you were trying to get across, it just comes across more as "don't report bugs if you use WINE" to me).

3) Finally, this might seem quite contrary to some previous discussions, but I wouldn't necessarily tell users "NOT" to argue with members so prominently. Again, I understand what you're trying to get at, but IMO it's not proper to make it seem as though members are *always* right. If the user has a point, they should voice their concerns-- we shouldn't stifle disagreement just because "members know better". As a sidenote, it's fairly unclear who "members" are-- is a user with 300 posts considered a "member"? What about 30? This seems arbitrary, and new users will likely be unaware of who is experienced and who is not. Maybe this should be worded a little less strongly (instead of "DO NOT", a simple "try not to" would suffice)

Thank you for posting this, though.

As another addition, we should recommend that users read this very popular article on posting effective bug reports. That document should serve as a basis to fill in any of the standard bug report etiquette that people should attempt to follow regardless of the application they are reporting a bug for.

- argv[0] on EFnet #mIRC
- "Life is a pointer to an integer without a cast"