Before the Bug Report:
If you are not using the latest release of mIRC download and install it. Earlier version are no longer supported though most versions are backwards compatible with it's perdesessors. The bug you are reporting might already be fixed in a later version.

If running on a windows 64bit machine, try running your mIRC in 32bit compatibility mode. Khaled does not support mIRC on wine under *nix, though occasionally he will modify the source to fix bugs in wine.

Unload all scripts and dlls, close all COMs and sockets, turn off all timers and restart mIRC. Make a simple example script that reproduces the bug. If you are unable to reproduce the bug then most likely it was one of the things mentioned above causing the error. If it is. One by one reload the scripts until you find the one causing issues

The Bug Report:
First thing, tell us what this outputs:
//echo -a $os $version $md5($Mircexe,2) $file($mircexe).sig $script(0) $dll(0) $com(0) $socket(0) $timer(0)

Explain to us the bug in detail, the current outcome, and the expected outcome. Give the example code that reproduces the bug and tell where and what is going wrong using comments(;this is a comment). If need be, link to a small picture(using the img tag) to show what is wrong.

DO NOT use external links. This includes links to the example script(use the script tags) images(use the img tag) or videos.
DO NOT bump an old thread unless there is something you can add to it. All bug reports are read by Khaled though he won't respone to them all. if the bug has been reported bumping it will not get it fixed any faster
DO NOT get angry if Khaled does not reply to your bug report. He reads each and every post in the bug-reports forum but hardly ever replies unless he needs more information from the user, or has fixed the specified bug for the next version.
DO NOT argue with a member if you are told the bug you are reporting is intentional.

Last edited by FroggieDaFrog; 08/07/11 11:24 PM.