I found this this with a quick search, but your example make it possible for you to make your own slaps.

...mIRC slap: me slaps $1 with a brand new mIRC slap.

just add your own there, and as i said before, use google and search for "slap addon" without the " "

And slap's aren't hard to do, just look at the other ones and you get a idea on how to make them.

$1 = the one you slap. ($2 $3 $4 <- you can slap more then one at a time).
$me = your nick.
me = action (same as describe).
msg = send a message with the slap, instead of a action text.
$chan = the active channel.

if ($me != tired) { return } | else { echo -a Get a pot of coffee now $+($me,.) }