MeStinkBAD was right, you are wrong. Error handling is very different from debugging. In fact, "error handling" doesn't imply that your script has bugs in it at all.

Let me see if I can explain this to you... Programmers use error handling to catch errors, so script can be written so that those errors don't occur often or at all (sounds like debugging to me).

Well now, on the other side, I am wondering why I'm not catching raw events with numeric X (was a case of this in 6.21), so I use /debug to see if that numeric is even being sent from the server. Since in both cases I was trying to find out why something didn't work, I was debugging. Plain and simple.


Anyway, this is all off topic: /debug could just be seen as a bad alias name, it's not meant to help you "DEBUG" your scripts, nor does it imply your script has bugs in it. It's just meant to see verbose information going in and out of the irc connection; that's all. It's generally used to CREATE scripts (usually for RAW events), not debug them. Debugging is done completely differently in mIRC.. check out my debugging tutorial if you want some general debugging guidelines.

I agree /debug should be called /dump or something else more specific, it doesn't negate the fact that it is often used to debug. Even when creating scripts this could be considered debugging, because if you knew what parameters a raw numeric were going to be, you wouldn't need to use /debug.

Thanks for the writting your guide (many mIRC script don't use :error), but I doubt it would teach me somthing I didn't know already. As you can see from our registration dates, I've been doing this longer than you have. This is of course not including the 10 years of programming experience I had before I joined the forums. smirk
