You could use /whois ... It'll display like this:

Riamus is [email]Riamus@*EDIT*[/email] * Ria
Riamus has identified for this nick
Riamus on @#invision-beta !@+#Invision
Riamus using The IRCHighWay Network
Riamus End of /WHOIS list.

As you can see, I am @ in #Invision-beta and !, @, + in #Invision. Since those are displayed in /whois, then you could write a script using the RAW for that to get the modes. I don't do a lot with RAWs, so I don't know which RAW this is right now. Someone else can probably tell you faster than I can find it out.

The only problem is that some servers/nickmodes prevent viewing the channel info of a user... although you USUALLY can view the info for any channel you're both connected to even if it blocks all other channels from being seen.

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