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Posted By: zack Strange join problem... perhaps memory leak. - 02/09/03 12:20 PM
I was creating a new theme, and I required myself to /hop a channel quite a large amount of times, I reckon I did it about 20-30 times. Now I can no longer join any channels, I type /join #channel, or try to double click on any channel typed in any other channel and it doesn't join. A /debug @bob says that I am sending the JOIN command to the server, but I don't get any reply from it and I just don't join the chan.

Restarting mIRC fixed the problem... not sure what's going on.
Many (most?) servers throttle users for repetative commands in a short period, especially join and privmsg commands. Sometimes the user receives a notice that they're being throttled, and sometimes the server prefers to be passive-agressive and quietly takes your /join away.
I thought about that... perhaps that's it, thanks for the reply.
zack, were you on DALnet when this happened?
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