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Posted By: KindOne Password eye picture does not show in Wine. - 03/02/22 10:03 PM
I've tested the password eye in Wine and it works but the eye picture does not display.

I've tested:

Wine 5.0.3 (Nov 2020) on a Debian 11.2 VM (installed via apt-get)

Wine 7.1 (Jan 2022) on Debian 11.2 desktop install (compiled from source)

Screenshots from 5.0.3 (7.1 looks the same):


I would be very much surprised if subclassing worked in Wine.
Wine does support subclassing, however, subclassing is tricky because it depends on the control behaving in a specific way, and this can depend on the version of the control, the version of Windows, and so on. Under Wine, this becomes more difficult the more heavily subclassed a control is because Wine's implementation of, say, an editbox, may not exactly reproduce standard behaviour. I am going to disable the eye under Wine for now but have added it to my to-do list.

Update: I found a way to make it work under Wine. The Wine implementation of the editbox seems to differ from standard behaviour in how WM_GETMINMAXINFO affects the subsequent use of GetDC() vs GetWindowDC(). Thankfully, it looks like this was the only issue and the eye is now visible under Wine. This change will be in the next beta.
I've tested v7.67.5062 on both Debian VM and desktop. I can confirm it is fixed.

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