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Make new windows and dialogs with the 'center' flags show in the monitor that mIRC is currently running in,

ex: /window -dC & /dialog -r show in the first monitor, rather than the one mIRC is currently active in.

If you drag mIRC to a second monitor and have something that pops up a dialog or window that's supposed to be centered, it's a bit odd for it to show up on an entirely different screen. New windows/dialog creation doesn't do this, only when they're centered.
Confirmed on 7.35 and win 7 but this is a bug, not a feature.
But since we are here, maybe we could get an improvement for /window and /dialog, we could decide the screen the dialog/window should be displayed on

/window +CN with N=0 for the current screen mIRC is on (default), N=1 for the primary screen, N=2 second screen etc..

/dialog -CN ..
Thanks, I was able to reproduce the issue with /window -dC and this has been fixed for the next version. However I was not able to reproduce the issue with /dialog -r. In my tests, /dialog -r centers the dialog on the monitor where the main mIRC window is located.
I can't reproduce the problem with /dialog -r either (7.36, win 7)
Whoops. I meant to say I was starting the dialog and using /dialog -s with $mouse.dx and $mouse.dy to move the dialog to where the cursor is. Problem is $mouse.dx, $mouse.dy will return the same relative coordinates regardless of which monitor is active. Maybe /dialog -s is what needs to take which monitor is active into account then.
Have you tried with $mouse.cx/$mouse.cy ?
That works, thanks.
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