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Posted By: Raccoon Allow /window -M -t0 - 11/12/17 12:52 AM
This feature request is to allow for a custom window tabstop starting at character 0. As in /window -M -t0 @test

This would allow for hiding metadata behind the first tabstop of a line echo/aline'd to a custom window.

/window -M -t0 @test
/echo @test HIDDEN METADATA $+ $chr(9) $+ The quick brown fox.

Current behavior: The lowest value -t allows is 1, but not 0.
Please please please.

Why? To set a Sort Column data for /window -s, or to allow hidden metadata accessible via On Hotlink or MENU mouse events. This hidden tab can house scads of line data that a script can use while keeping the printed line pretty to the user.
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